Business Ideas

Steve describes very well the lean philosophy with his words

Apples success is a lean thinking organization

Who can explain lean thinking – including empowerment of the people (automation), value stream responsibilities, Hoshin Kanri and problem solving –  better as Steve Jobs with his own words, not even mentioning any of the lean terms. Just great! [youtube width=“640″ height=“360″ clipid=“f60dheI4ARg“ autoplay=“0″ controls=“0″ loop=“0″ disablekb=“0″ hd=“0″ showinfo=“0″ showsearch=“0″]

Interim Management Providers and Interim Management Organizations are sending the wrong message

What is the difference between a staffing firm (recruitment agency) and an Interim Management Service Provider? That was my question  to Paul Beerli last week. Paul is the president of the Interim Management Organisation in Switzerland, called Dachverband Schweizer Interim Manager (DSIM). He worked before for Butterflymanager, one of the leading Interim Management Service Provider in Switzerland …

Interim Management Providers and Interim Management Organizations are sending the wrong message Weiterlesen »